B&W can offer both guided and unguided auger [Auger Boring] techniques for trenchless installation of pipes.
Guided Auger Boring is a guided auguring technique, offering a high degree of accuracy, making it the trenchless technique of choice for small to medium diameter gravity sewers. This enables gravity pipelines to cross under oil, water & gas mains, electric cables, other sewers, roads, highways, railways and runways with no disturbance to surface features.
A Guided Auger Bore can be launched from a battered or supported excavation, segmental shaft or even an existing manhole chamber.
Typically vitrified clay [VC] or concrete jacking pipes are installed, however steel sleeves can be installed as conduits for ducts if required.
Guided Auger Boring is a simple three stage system:
1 - Install a steerable pilot tube to line, level and grade using an optical or laser guidance system.
2 - Install the auger head and casings containing the auger screws behind the pilot.
3 - Product pipe pushed, the casing and screws removed at the reception pit.
The B&W fleet consists of Guided Boring Machines [GBMs] form Akkerman and Tunnel Engineering, capable of installing the following pipe diameters: 150, 225, 300, 450, 500 & 600mm.
The fleet also includes Power Cutter Heads [PCH] for 450 & 600mm which can be used for pilot tube microtunnelling in soft unstable ground.
For accurate installation of larger diameters B&W can also offer Microtunnelling and Pipejacking.